Instafreebie – October 2017

Welcome to the October instafreebie promotion. In this month’s promotion fantasy authors share their excerpts, previews, short stories, and books. Click on the cover to download your selection from instafreebie.


Ella Dethroned Brandon Barr An Oathbreaker's Vow J. Ellen Ross

Tom's Inheritance TJ Green

Mother's Misfortune Cordelia Castel Touch of Darkness Dawn Husted

Schooling the Wolf Jacqueline Sweet Devon March

Goddess Awakening Araya Evermore Redemption Tora Moon Ferrasium Wendy Scott

tThe Awakening Stevie Collier

Spells and Sorcery

Carissa Andrews Pendomus

Dean C. Moore Blood Brothers Coyote Cal Milo James Fowler The Knowledge Lee Isserow

Legacy Jesikah Sundin

Disgraced LC Mawson Toonopolis Anchihiroo Jeremy Rodden

Rebel Magic N R Hairston Whispers of a Faded Dreamer Celesta Thiessen

Cursed Magic NR Hairston David J. Normoyle The Demon Mirror Dragongods Saga

Don't Mess With a Wolf Brianna West Awakening Promiscus Guardians

Instafreebie Promotion – September 2017

Welcome to the September instafreebie promotion. In this month’s promotion fantasy authors share their excerpts, previews, short stories, and books. Click on the cover to download your selection from instafreebie.

Seeking the Veil Clifton Hill

Born of Faerie WB McKay

Joe Jackson Salvation's Dawn

The Fey Man James T Kelly

Ferrasium Wendy Scott

Linda Acaster Torc of Moonlight

Instafreebie Dragons – August 2017

Eun Na and the Phantom Erica Laurie The Fey Man James T Kelly Shadowbane Age of Aelfborn Paul Francois Dawn of War Stephen Allan Empath S. Usher Evans Debbie Mumford Sorcha's Heart Dragons of Frost and Fire Susan Brown Dean C. Moore Blood Brothers The Black Opal Linda Jordan Born of Faerie WB McKay Chogan Swan Caves of Ice Caverns of Fire Aaron Hodges Storm Wielder

Liesel K. Hill The Hatching
Jasmine Wylder Pregnant by the Dragon Shifter The Dragon and The Druidess Cornelia Amiri
Excerpts and Previews
The Blended Ones Angela J. Ford Brandon Berntson Snapdragon Series The Priestess and the Dragon

The Dragon Knight Amelia Wilson

Instafreebie Promotion – August 2017

Welcome to the August instafreebie promotion. In this month’s promotion fantasy authors share their excerpts, previews, short stories, and books. Click on the cover to download your selection from instafreebie.

Jake Allen Coleman Gabriel's Sword Alexander Grant The Lion Prophecy Blaze Devyn Jayse Redemption Tora Moon The Song of Sirin Nicholas Kotar Mother's Misfortune Cordelia Castel Holly Evans Infernal Bonds The Fiasco in News Sephan Morse M.V. Stott Familiar Magic Fate of the Hybrid A.K.Koonce Scattered Smothered Chunked John G. Hartness Necromancer's Apprentice Matthew Buza Alexander Grant The Forbidden City When Darkness Breaks Brianna West Chasing Rabbits Erin Bedford Shades of Valhalla Ellis Logan Through Rain and Missing Mantaurs Jeanne Marcella The Felix Chronicles R.T. Lowe D.N. Hoxa Assassin Linda Jordan Faerie Unravels Betrayals Price Lisa Blackwood The Warlock's Friend Dean C. Moore Tiger Lily K. Bird Lincoln T.J. Green Tom's Inheritance Mine to Tarnish Janeal Falor Dragons of Frost and Fire Susan Brown Robert Jeschonek Dolphin Knight Miranda Honfleur Winter Wren Casey Herzog Tower of Ayia A Magical Reckoning N. R. Hairston Curse Breaker Enchanted The More Epic Version Melinda Kucsera Liesel K. Hill Persistence of Vision Aaron Hodges Storm Wielder Merlin's Secret Jamie Davis Goddess Awakening A. Evermore Simone Leigh Red as Blood Lavish Jane Stain B. Kristin McMichael The Witchling Apprentice Xavier EM Cooper Davy Lyons Urban Myth Part One Awakening A Dystopian Urban Fantasy Virgo D.N. Leo Thunder Hunter R Medhurst Demon's Fever T.F. Walsh Rita Stradling Hazel Dominus J.Rose Allister Ferrasium Wendy Scott White Wolf of Avalon Eva Gordon Steve Turnbull Veona First Light Liberty Gilmore Sylphide K. Gorman The Immortals S.M. Schmitz Schooling the Wolf Jacqueline Sweet Devon March Kara Jaynes Unbound Enchantment Stonecoat Amanda Booloodian The Sound of the Stones Beth Hammond The Beast of London L.D. Gofsigan Lizzy's First Bearer James E. Wisher Jackson Lear A God Among Thieves Magic Tracked Caethes Faron A Sprig of Holly J.A. Clement Jebediah's Crime Phan Tran

Instafreebie Promotion – July 2017

Click on the book cover to download the book from instafreebie. Keep in mind some books may have expired.

T.F. Walsh Binding Curse Firebolt Blaze Devyn Jayse Hinder Teaser Kristin Ping Guardian of Monsters The Stellar Life of a Superhero Wife Joynell Schultz The Silver Strand L.J. Clarkson Book 1 in the Mastermind Academy Series Cendrilla Perrault Chronicles Book One Cordelia Castle The Fey Man James T Kelly A New Dawn Jae Vogel Shadowbane Age of Aelfborn Paul Francois  Kaye Fairburn Hatchling The Wyvernette Series Book One S.C. Stokes A Coronation of Kings Dream Snatcher A City of Crows Novella Clara Coulson Murder at Raven's Lodge Lee Isserow Timothy Bond Prophecy's Queen The Five Warriors Angela J. Ford Hunt L.C. Mawson Born of Water Autumn M. Birt Shadow Sight Ivy Granger Psychic Detective E.J. Stevens Necromancer's Apprentice Necromantia Matthew Buza Earthshaker Robert T Jeschonek Anna Santos Guardian Angel Thieves and Wizards Jaxon Reed J.A. Culican Golden Dragon Keeper of Dragons Novella Veona Steve Turnbull Fire and Ice Icefire Trilogy Book 1 Patty Jansen The Soul Cages A Minister Knight Novel Nicole Givens Kurtz Holly Evans Infernal Ties Riley Russell Venture Schooling the Wolf Jacqueline Sweet Devon March Joe Jackson Salvation's Dawn Phil Tucker Escape from Bythos David J. Normoyle The Demon Mirror Dragongods Saga K R Fajardo K The Awakening Jessica Cage The Fire Within Linda Acaster Torc of Moonlight To Catch a Killer Amelia Wilson The Loiterers Lee Isserow Argenterra Book One Silverlands Donna Maree Hanson Christopher D. Morgan Sarah's Farewell A Portallas Short Story Christopher D. Morgan Andrew's Mission A Portallas Short Story The Seraphim Changelings Melinda R. Cordell Anais of Brightshire Jamie Wilson The Fall of an Overlord Kevin Potter Storm Wielder The Sword of Light Trilogy Aaron Hodges H.G. Chambers Recreance Book 1 The Aeternum Chronicles Savages Katherine Bogle  Eva Gordon The Stone of the Tenth Realm Curse Breaker Enchanted The More Epic Version Melinda Kucsera Returning Episode One A.L. Knorr Allison D. Reid Journey to Aviad SB James The Inventor's Son Ferrasium Wendy Scott Alycia Linwood Different Ellis Logan Shades of Valhalla Gloam Jaime Munn Craig A Price Jr. Heart of Ikchani Renee Scattergood Shadow Stalker Dean C. Moore Blood Brothers Liz Meldon Court of the Phantom Queen Brianna West Awakening Promiscus Guardians Blaze Devyn Jayse CK Dawn Cloak of Echoes Liesel K. Hill Persistence of Vision D.N. Hoxa Assassin Casey Herzog Tower of Ayia Kara Jaynes Fabled Adrian G Hilder The General's Legacy Lisa Manifold Thea's Tale Tarah Krace Chasing the Moonlight Joss Dey Undertow Kevin the Vampire Will Madden Alicia Michaels Daughter of the Red Moon B. Kristin McMichael The Witchling Apprentice Dyan Chick Tales of Illaria Max and Saffron Liesel K. Hill The Hatching Rebel's Blade The Aermian Feuds Frost Kay Davy Lyons Urban Myth Part One Awakening A Dystopian Urban Fantasy Abuse of Power Brian W. Foster Lisa Blackwood Sorceress Awakening